Downloading Form Submissions

Here's how to download a copy of form submissions on your digital forms

To download copies of your digital form submissions follow these steps:

  1. Click Forms Editor on the left hand menu of your Settings
  2. Click on the symbol at the far right of the form menu to open the submissions page
  3. Download XLS Form submissions Screen Shot 2022-08-08 at 12.46.52 AM


Here's how to download a copy of bulk digital form submissions


1. Click Forms Editor on the left hand menu of your Settings

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2.Click on the Download digital forms " button. (This will create a zip file of all submitted forms grouped by each form group, where each PDF is a collection of all submissions for that form.)

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3. After you receive the following message:

''Success: The downloadable compressed file is being generated; you will receive it via email.’’ Check your inbox (the email account associated with your Curacubby account).

4. Click on the link that you received in your email and download the zip file.