Sometimes you apply credit to an invoice, but then additional credits are added to the parent account that you would also like to apply. This article will walk you through adding the full credit amount under the parent account to an invoice.
Here is a brief walkthrough of applying the total credit within a parent's account to an invoice in which already has applied credits:
To apply the full credit amount located within a parent account to an invoice that already has credit applied to it simply:
1. The first step is to open Curacubby and click Parents |
2. Locate the parent in which has the available credit you would like to apply to their invoice, click this parent's name |
3. Locate the invoice which has applied credit. hover over the gear icon and click the edit pencil. |
4. Notice: This invoice already has applied credit, but the parent account still has more credit that can be applied to this invoice. Remove the credit currently applied by de-selecting this box. |
5. Click Save |
6. Now that the partial credit has been removed, hover over the gear icon for the same invoice and select the edit pencil |
7. Now you will see the total credit amount in the parent's profile to be applied within this invoice. Click the checkbox to apply total credit amount to this invoice |
8. Click Save |
9. Click the invoice number to ensure all of your changes are correct. |
10. That's it. You're done. |
NOTE: You are also able to complete this by locating the invoice within the invoices tab of your Curacubby and proceeding with the same steps.