How to accommodate split payments (divorced parents who need separate profiles)

In some cases, divorced parents will need separate profiles to pay two separate invoices. To help separate which account is associated with Mom and which account is associated with Dad, add "(M) or (D)" to the student accounts.


NOTE: Thinking of each parent as a separate financially responsible party and each student as the person that the connected parent is financially responsible for makes it easier to see how to set this up. 

In order to keep payment responsibilities separate, we need 2 separate student accounts independently connected to their correct parent.


  1. Create the billing program to match the split payment each parent is responsible for
    1. Go to "Settings" → "Programs" to open your different programs
    2. Open the "Program Group" and create a billing program
  2. Disconnect the student from one of their parents
    1. Go to the "Students" section on your left menu and access the student record
    2. Click on the "Parents" tab
    3. Click the delete 🗑 icon next to the parent's name that you are disconnecting from the student
    4. Open the student's "Profile" tab and update the first name of the student to note which parent is connected to that student by adding (M) or (D) to the student's first name
    5. Open the student's "Enrollment" tab and enroll the student in their correct billing program
    6. Check to make sure the first system generated invoice queues correctly by accessing the Queued invoice in the student's "Invoice" tab
  3. Create a new student for the other parent
    1. Go to the "Parent" section on your left menu and access the parent you just disconnected
    2. Click on the "Students" tab
    3. Click the "New Student" button
    4. Create the new student record remembering to note the parent connected to the student by adding (M) or (D) to the student's first name
    5. After creating the student, click on the student's name to access the student record
    6. Open the student's "Enrollment" tab and enroll the student in their correct billing program
    7. Check to make sure the first system generated invoice queues correctly
    8. Check to make sure the first system generated invoice queues correctly by accessing the Queued invoice in the student's "Invoice" tab


Click HERE to watch us walk through this process

TIP: To make attendance tracking simpler for your staff members, make sure you only add one student record to the classrooms


  1. Access the primary parents account (where you'll be tracking attendance)
  2. Modify the price in the time based blocks to be ½ the normal price
  3. At a cadence of your choice (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), create an ad hoc invoice for the other parent for the same amount and send it out.