Here is how to record a credit on a family account
To record the payment or credit:
- Click the “Parents” tab
- Search for the parent and then click on their name
- On their “Invoice” tab, click “Record Credit” on the right side of the screen.
- Select the payment method or credit type.
- Select the paid date and enter additional details, such as the check number and notes, if applicable.
- Select the Student’s name. NOTE- if you select more than one student, it will create the credit for each student selected. For example, if I want to apply a $50 credit to John and Sarah, selecting both of their names will create a $50 credit for each student, making a total credit of $100. Since credits are shared within a family (meaning a credit recorded to one student can be applied to their sibling's invoice), when recording credits to a family, you only need to select one student.
- Click “Credit Account." You should see the credit reflected in the parent's "Available Credit."
1. Recording a Credit Amount requires two steps:
a. Recording the credit amount; and then
b. Applying the credit to the invoice
2. Let's record the credit first.
Click Parents