Types of simple reports for admins
Additional Contacts
The Additional Contacts report shows all enrolled students and their additional contacts’ names, phone numbers, and relationships.
Additional Contacts by Classroom
The Additional Contacts by Classroom report shows all enrolled students and their additional contacts’ names, phone numbers, and relationships, grouped by classroom.
Address Labels
The Address Labels report allows you to create mailing labels for all enrolled students. This report creates labels for standard mailing labels (1" x 2.625", 30 per sheet).
Allergies and Medical Conditions
The Allergies and Medical Conditions report shows all enrolled students with allergies or medical conditions, with the condition type, description, severity, and treatment.
Allergies and Medical Conditions by Classroom
The Allergies and Medical Conditions by Classroom report shows all enrolled students with allergies or medical conditions, with the condition type, description, severity, and treatment, grouped by classroom.
The Birthdays report shows all enrolled students with their birthdate, age, and birth month, day, and year, ordered by birth month.
Birthdays by Classroom
The Birthdays by Classroom report shows all enrolled students with their birthdate, age, and birth month, day, and year, grouped by classroom and ordered by birth month.
Class Lists
The Class List report shows enrolled students’ names, birthdates, ages, and genders, grouped by classroom. Prints one classroom per page.
Emergency Cards
The Emergency Card report prints one page per enrolled student with the student’s profile information, including name, birthdate, age, classroom(s), enrolled program(s), parent information (name, email, phone number, address), additional contacts, doctor name, and phone number, and allergies and medical conditions.
Facility Roster
The Facility Roster includes all the fields required by the California LIC 9040 Roster, including enrolled students’ names, birthdates, mailing addresses, parents’ names and phone numbers, doctor names and phone numbers, and the start date and date left.
Family Directory
The Family Directory creates a family directory with enrolled student's names and classroom(s), mailing addresses, and parents’ names, emails, and phone numbers.
Family Directory by Classroom
The Family Directory creates a family directory with enrolled student's names and classroom(s), mailing addresses, and parents’ names, emails, and phone numbers, grouped by classroom.
The immunization report shows enrolled students’ with their immunization status and dose information.
Immunizations by Status
The Immunizations by Status allows you to filter the immunizations report by a specific immunization status, so you can see all immunizations that are due, current, or complete.
Parent Contact Information
The Parent Contact Information report shows all enrolled students with their parent's names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
Staff Roster
The Staff Roster includes all staff information, including names, phone numbers, emails, addresses, and classroom(s).
Student Enrollment
The Student Enrollment report shows all enrolled students and the program(s) in which they are enrolled, as well as the recurring cost (cost per invoice)
Student Enrollment by Classroom
The Student Enrollment report shows all enrolled students and the program(s) in which they are enrolled, grouped by classroom.
Student Enrollment by Program
The Student Enrollment report shows all students enrolled in each program.