You can edit a student's profile information (grade, notes, additional contacts, medical conditions, immunizations, etc) at any time in the student's profile tab.
Parents can view and update the student's name, birth date, gender, notes, additional contacts, doctor and medical conditions, and immunizations. They cannot view or update the tags, date start/left, grade, or funding source.
To add Additional Contacts*:
- Click “Students" on the left side bar.
- Click on the student's name.
- Click their “Profile” tab.
- Click “Edit Student”.
- Click “+Add New Contact.”
- Enter the contact's information (name and phone number is required, other fields are optional).
*If your school uses Digital Attendance, you can add additional contacts to the student's profile to authorize people other than the parents to check the student in/out through the Digital Attendance kiosk. The PIN is the four-digit code required to check a student in/out. Additional contacts can set their own PINs at the digital attendance kiosk.
To add a medical condition or allergy:
- Click “Students" on the left side bar.
- Click on the student's name.
- Click the “Profile” tab.
- Click “Edit Student”
- Scroll down to the "Medical Conditions" section and click “+Add New Medical Condition.”
- Enter the description, severity, and treatment.
- Click "Save."
The student will be automatically tagged with "condition-allergy" (if condition is "allergy") or "condition-other" (if condition is "other").
To add immunizations:
- Click “Students" on the left side bar.
- Click on the student's name.
- Click the “Profile” tab.
- Click “Edit Student”
- Scroll down to the "Immunizations" section and click “+Add Immunization”
- Select an immunization from the drop-down list.
- Click "+Add Date" to add a booster date. You can add as many dates as necessary.
- If the student has received their immunization or booster, click the "Complete?" checkbox. This will mark a student as "Current" until the next booster date
- If the student has completed all of their immunizations and boosters for a specific vaccine, click the "All Finished" checkbox. This will mark a student as "Current" for that immunization.
- Click "Save."