Editing Attendance Records

Please follow the simple steps below to edit or delete attendance records.


Need support in creating an attendance record to check a student in or out, or record an absence? Click on the Article below:
Creating an Attendance or Absence Record

To Edit an Attendance Record:

  1. Click the Attendance page
  2. Select Student or Staff from the drop-down
  3. Select report type: Attendance
  4. Indicate a date range in which the report will be generated for
  5. Select student(s) or classroom(s) you would like to view or edit attendance records for, or select all students. 
  6. Click Generate Report
  7. Locate the attendance record you would like to edit
  8. Click on the edit pencil of the attendance record you would like to edit to make changes to the check in or check out time
  9. Click on the attendance schedule block
  10. Type in an alternate check in time, check out time, or both
  11. Click Save


To Delete an Attendance Record:

  1. Repeat steps 1-7 above
  2. To Remove only a check-out record, click on the red-trash can. To remove an entire attendance, click on the trash can located next to the edit pencil.



1. The first step is to open Curacubby and click Attendance

Step 1 image

2. Click Reports

Step 2 image

3. Click Student or Staff

Step 3 image

4. To edit or delete an attendance record, select attendance for Report Type

Step 4 image

5. Select the students you would like to view the attendance record for and make changes

Note: Ensure you have entered the correct date range for the attendances you would like to modify

Step 5 image

6. Click Select All if you would like to see all students to make changes

Step 6 image

7. You can delete a check out time by selecting the trash can icon here

Step 7 image

8. You can add a note for this attendance by clicking on the "empty" message under notes

Step 8 image

9. Type a note and then select the check mark to save

Step 9 image

10. To edit check in or out times for an attendance record, click the edit pencil

Step 10 image

11. Scroll and click the attendance record

Step 11 image

12. Edit the check in and check out times by clicking on the box and entering a new time

Step 12 image

13. Click Save

Step 13 image

14. To delete an attendance completely, click the trash can

Step 14 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **


Next step